TOKYO Wins Grand Prix and Finalist at Spikes Asia! 2023.03.14

Congratulations to Kazuma Kitada, the director of TOKYO Management, for winning Grand Prix and Silver in the Music category, as well as Gold in the Radio and Audio category for the outstanding work “Journa-Rhythm.”
Also, a big thumbs up to Takeshi Izumida, TOKYO’s director, for being named a finalist in the Industry and Craft category for the impressive work “walk, walk,”
Asashi News Paper – Journa-Rhythm
Dir: Kazuma Kitada
Grand Prix: Music – Use of Original Composition
Silver: Music – Brand or Product Integration into Music Content
Gold: Radio & Audio – Use of Music
Shortlist: Radio & Audio – Branded Content / Podcasts
Dir: Takeshi Izumida
Offline Editor: Kyosuke Kaneko (TOKYO Management)
Finalist: Industry and Craft category
It’s great to see their talent and dedication being recognized and celebrated at such a prestigious event. Enjoy their inspiring works that can make your day a little different from yesterday.